01:01:13duration 1 hour 1 minute
Ethics: Why it Matters (and How to Persuade…
Ethics: Why it Matters (and How to Persuade Others that it Does) - February 9, 2022
Cynthia E Clark, PhD, Bentley University Anthony…
01:01:05duration 1 hour 1 minute
Ethics & Compliance and Diversity, Equity,…
Ethics & Compliance and Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion: How do they Connect? - October 20, 2021
Kabrina Chang, Boston University Rebecca Rehm,…
01:35:28duration 1 hour 35 minutes
Mitigation and Resilience - Confronting the…
Mitigation and Resilience - Confronting the Pandemic with Research: Bentley University’s Contribution - February 26, 2021
Mitigation and Resilience
01:39duration 1 minute 39 seconds
Mingfei Li: Health policy & hypertension…
Mingfei Li: Health policy & hypertension medications
Mingfei Li discusses research completed with…
01:12:18duration 1 hour 12 minutes
VAPING: The Law, the Science & You - October…
VAPING: The Law, the Science & You - October 16, 2019
Vaping has never been more popular, dangerous or…
01:28:04duration 1 hour 28 minutes
How should Bentley teach AI Ethics and Compliance…
How should Bentley teach AI Ethics and Compliance to students of business and data science? - April 23, 2019
Peter Acton, Chief Compliance Officer,…
01:18:20duration 1 hour 18 minutes
The Chief Ethics and Compiance Officer: A Test…
The Chief Ethics and Compiance Officer: A Test of Endurance - 02/07/2011
Verizon Visiting Professorship in Business…