53:58duration 53 minutes 58 seconds
Building Trust and Transparency Around AI -…
Building Trust and Transparency Around AI - October 14, 2023
As artificial intelligence is a growing presence…
01:04:24duration 1 hour 4 minutes
Closing Plenary - Boundaries or Burnout: Taking…
Closing Plenary - Boundaries or Burnout: Taking Care of Yourself and Students in the Age of Overwhelm
Dr. Brenda Hawks
01:18:07duration 1 hour 18 minutes
COVID Insights: Rebuilding Trust, Bolstering…
COVID Insights: Rebuilding Trust, Bolstering Institutions & Improving Communication in the Wake of Disaster - April 4, 2023
Two experts join Bentley faculty panelists to…
07:13duration 7 minutes 13 seconds
Rob DeLeo: Mitigation policies & risk…
Rob DeLeo: Mitigation policies & risk perceptions and behaviors
Rob DeLeo received a National Science Foundation…