Search for tag: "medical practice activities"

Controlling Costs and Improving Quality; Transforming Healthcare - 09/24/2019

Matt Day, SVP Payment Innovation & Healthcare…

From  Kaltura MediaUser 11 plays

Learning to Adapt: Transition and Transformation at Catholic Health Services of Long Island - April 22, 2019

Tom Bigda-Peyton, Vice-President of…

From  Kaltura MediaUser 34 plays

29th Raytheon Lecture in Business Ethics - September 24, 2018

Sandra Fenwick, President and CEO of Boston…

From  Kaltura MediaUser 97 plays

Digital Leadership in Healthcare - An Enabling Leadership to Support Health Care Transformation - February 21, 2018

Dr. Tanniru, PhD, MBA, MS. Dr. Tanniru is a…

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From  Kaltura MediaUser 36 plays