Virtual Panel Discussion: Retaliation in the Workplace - November 17, 2021
From Zoom Only cbe
From Zoom Only cbe
Kate Kenny, Professor, JE Cairnes School of Business, NUI Galway
Anthony O'Reilly, Former Chief Executive Officer, State Street
Lori Tansey, President, International Business Ethics Institute
According to the 2021 Global Business Ethics Survey, retaliation rates have skyrocketed in the U.S. After calling attention to misconduct, employees reported being retaliated against 79% of the time in 2020, up from 44% in 2017. At the same time, speak-up levels increased as did the pressure employees feel to “bend the rules.” Yet saying things that people don’t want to hear is essential in a healthy and successful organization. In this webinar we explore retaliation. What drives some people to speak up? What drives others to retaliate? What does retaliation look like? How can businesses reduce retaliatory actions? How does the speak-up environment directly affect business success? Join us at this webinar to learn the academic research behind whistleblowing, and to hear practical experiences. We will provide specific, actionable ideas that managers can take to identify retaliation and proactive methods for combatting it.